Thursday, August 25, 2011

PAX 2011

brief reminder that yrs truly will be on-hand at PAX. if anyone else is there I am not above bribing readers with alcoholic (or, if you insist, non-) drinks of yr choice after panels have concluded. I live here, you know. I know where the good places are.

anyway. I will be live-tweeting interesting panels about sexism, UI design, and penises. if you @ me I will @ you back. what I'm trying to say is: holla@chaboy

I will also make a reasonable attempt to write up interesting panels. if you are not able to attend pax feel free to suggest panels and I will make best-effort attempts to get there unless I have a conflict or I get hungry or drunk.

DISCLAIMER: I have excellent taste and the panels you may suggest are probably already on my schedule.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

[test] I broke my website

1.0 –> 1.5 CHANGELOG:

* Stopped being a lazy cheap ass and bought a domain name (

* Temporarily broke Disqus comments, they may/may not be percolating back in, will report back later

* Added a logo The Editor made for me

* Made a horrible tacky favicon

* Upgrading to 2 posts/month or else I have to abstain from alcohol as punishment.

* Testing if RSS is broken